
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Last Week Review

Days and weeks past, and you don't even realize how time flies. Saint Pius X Catholic School, is a place you can never replace, it has been become my home for the last nine years. Now my journey at Saint Pius will finally come to an end. In my wildest dreams, I never thought I would make it to the end but I did. There are regrets, that has left me remorseful but there are some that has left me clueless. There are memories of the Good and Bad, but you can't survival without both. Saint Pius X School is a reminder of why I become the person I am today. Saint Pius X School, is the root to my seed and the water to my vine.

This Year has been a roller-coaster we had our ups and downs, turns and falls but never a dull moment.
My last year at Saint Pius was memorable, unforgeable and difficult.

Saint Pius X Catholic School will always remain a place in my heart.

Jesus Prayer

Dear God, 
Thank you for bringing Jesus in our lives, your son who will bring the good news to our 